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a hotel in old rigaKonventa Sēta Hotel in Old Riga

Direct booking perks

When you choose to book directly through the Konventa Sēta Hotel website, you unlock exclusive benefits designed to enhance your stay. 

Why book directly with us?

  • Guaranteed best price: enjoy peace of mind knowing you’re getting the best possible rate when you book directly through our website. No hidden fees, no surprises—just the lowest price available.

  • Complimentary room upgrade: make your stay even more special! At check-in, you’ll receive a complimentary room upgrade, subject to availability, giving you even more comfort and space to relax.

  • Free early check-in & late check-out: arrive early or stay a little longer at no extra cost. We offer free early check-in and late check-out, depending on availability, so you can enjoy every moment of your visit.

Book directly with us and experience these exclusive perks, ensuring your stay is as enjoyable and seamless as possible.